Hey Rob, I found a couple of old photos. The first is of Bob Peoples in his workout pit hacked out of rock. Talk about rugged simplicity. The next is the photo that spawned the gin wheel article. It shows the great John Grimek yanking away.
Bob Peoples in his cellar gym completing a heavy deadlift. The “Tennessee Hercules" once deadlifted a record 725 pounds at 181 pounds bodyweight. Note Bob's hand-built “slotted uprights” in the background. This apparatus was probably one of the first power racks—as we now call them— ever built.
As a youngster, “Sticks” was inspired by this photograph of John Grimek to build his own gin-wheel lat machine.
I saw the latest MOI post. What a nice gift. Here's a shot of the old Moore Squat bar. It predated the Zane Leg Blaster by about 10 years. Moore's Squat Bar was very effective, and it saved your upper carriage when doing high rep (20+) squats. The lower-bar rack could also be used for bench presses, and the upper-hand rack could be used for dips...
Moore's Squat Bar, later renamed Moore's Leg Blaster, was hailed in Ironman advertisement as “the new, safe, comfortable method of performing all types of the Deep Knee Bend for maximum leg power, size, definition, and unlimited cardio-vascular strength.”
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